
A Frequent Flyer’s Tips for Flights

We understand most volunteers are on a budget and cost can add up quickly. To try and help we have compiled some popular tips here for you when searching for your International Volunteering flights

What search engines are the best?

When searching for flights on multiple websites you might often wonder why the price went up from 5 minutes ago. Clear your browsing history each time you start a new search. Using search engines such as Kayak, Expedia or Priceline are great places to look at multiple airlines at once. Once you find the airline with the best deals we recommend going directly through the airline of your choice or using Google flights which will give you the true airline cost and direct you to the airlines website.

Be flexible and look at flights others might not want such as red eye flights or late night departures.

Book Your Flight in Advance.

The lowest international fares are generally found by booking a lot earlier. Most International flights can be booked up to a year in advance and pricing stay pretty steady up to 3 months in advance. We recommend when possible to book at least 3 months in advance to avoid last minute hikes. Some search engines say airlines run specials on Monday and early Tuesday morning is a good time to look.

NOTE: Before you book your flight it is best to make sure we have confirmed your volunteer dates. If you are limited on time we can expedite your project for you.

Know the Rules:

Changing your flight can be costly and frustrating make sure you understand the penalties just in case you decide to extend your stay or if a problem arises and you need to alter your plans.

Travel Rewards:

If you have travel reward points, consider using them to help offset the cost of your flight. Don’t’ forget to sign up for air miles; it won’t take many flights to earn a free flight for your next journey abroad.


It’s always wise to take a change of clothes in your carry on case Make sure to check your airline’s baggage requirements including number of pieces allowed and any weight restrictions. Pack snacks in your bag and toiletries as you might be on a long flight. Take a pair of socks so you can take your shoes off and relax. Pay attention to carry on restrictions you would hate to get to security only to find out you cannot take your favorite bottle of shampoo because it’s too large.

Get to the Airport On Time:

Most International flights require you to be at the airport two hours early. Make sure and check with your specific airline to have enough time to check in and get situated before your flight.

Check Your Seat Assignment:

You can go back once you have booked your flight and select your seat arrangements. Today many airlines charge extra for row seats and exit seats so make sure you pay attention to extra charges. Once you are at the airport you might ask for an exit row seat when you check in, (if they are not filled you may get one at no extra charge) or ask to switch seats if assigned in a middle seat there often are open spaces after the gate has closed. ASK just before boarding often seats with extra charges come available close to departure time for no charge.

Bring the Proper Documents:

Bring a pen with you and make sure to have your passport, flight, and destination details accessible on the plane. You’ll be given customs forms on the plane before you land save time by having your documents ready.

We’re here to help. If you’d like any additional tips on finding a flight or preparing for departure, 

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