How It Works

A Guide to International Volunteering 

You have made the decision to Volunteer  Now , together , let’s make sure you have the best experience possible! Contact us and let’s set up a quick call to talk about your goals and why you want to volunteer.

Our hands-on approach will help guide the seasoned volunteer to the first-timer, seamlessly from start to finish. We are here to listen! If email is easier we are happy to answer all your questions. Our team is here to help you choose a destination and project that aligns best with you and enables you to make the best impact possible.

We will be with you every step of your journey from choosing your country of choice, to helping you with your packing list, and waiting for you at the airport. We’re here for our International Communities and you.

Here is a guide we hope will answer many of your questions to help you understand how to get started. We suggest sending in your application at least 60 days before your start date to allow ample time for planning, the sooner the better! If you have less time, that’s ok! We can help expedite the process for you.

We firmly believe in volunteering that works!

Let’s you get started!  You’ve made the decision to go!


Your International Volunteer Journey starts here!

Step 1:

You know you want to volunteer;

Pick up the phone and give us a call – we are happy to talk with you after business or school hours. We prefer the personal approach by first talking with, we want to understand why you want to volunteer to help us match you with a project that both the community will learn from and you will have a meaningful experience.

Call or email us a time that works best for you, a team member will be happy to talk with you at your convenience.

You’ve talked with our team and know where you want to go and what project you want to work on, were ready for the next step!

Step 2:

Submit your application and deposit. We have made the application process simple; we ask for contact information about you, what are your skills, education, and volunteer experience? This information helps us better prepare you for the volunteer experience abroad as well as helps the project managers get to know a little about you.

Once we have your application and deposit your application will be sent to the coordinator in the country of your choice to begin setting up your project, accommodations, airport pick up and program details. The deposit is used to prepare the project for your arrival, helping cover transportation costs, accommodations, and project supplies. Your application cannot be processed until we have your deposit.

Step 3:

You have submitted your application and deposit! What’s next?

It’s time to Prepare for departure.

After receiving your application and deposit, we will forward your application to the in-country program coordinator who will organize your project placement and host accommodations.

It is time to begin your preparing for your departure. We’ll discuss with you about Flight times, packing, supplies you might want to take, what to expect culturally, and answer as many questions as you have before the time comes to begin volunteering. We can help you with questions and resources for making sure your Passport is ready, if you need a Visa or vaccinations,

it can all feel overwhelming but we are here to help and ease the transition for

Step 4:

What now? Book your flight:

Your dates and locations are confirmed time to book your flight (remember to send us a copy of your flight details)

PASSPORT: Make sure your passport is valid and does not expire at least 6 months AFTER your departure date back to the US or country you return home to.

VISA: If required you’ll need to apply for your visa, we offer links in our resources page for country Visa requirements. In many countries you may not need a visa; your Passport will be stamped upon arrival and in some cases where a Visa is required you can get your Visa upon arrival at the airport. We’ll help you through this process by answering any questions we can and sharing the resources we use and knowledge of experienced travel . All in Country coordinators stay up to date with this information to help guide you!

Background Checks are Required: You’ll also need to obtain a national criminal background check. We request you send a copy to us at least four weeks before your scheduled departure. This can be done online or at your local Police Department. Most Volunteer projects will require this so don’t wait it only takes a few minutes out of your day!

Travel insurance is Required: We require each volunteer to purchase comprehensive international travel insurance. If you’re unsure of what to get or where were happy to talk with you! Once you have your travel Insurance policy please make sure and forward a copy to our team.

Vaccinations: Make sure you have all appropriate vaccinations for your chosen destination. The Center for Disease Control provides lists of recommended vaccinations per country we recommend you discuss your travel plans and personal health with your health-care provider to determine which vaccines are necessary. Keep in mind Required Vaccinations you must have , recommended you should talk over with your health care provider.

Almost time to go! Your One week away!

Step 5:

A member of our team will schedule a call or Skype session with you one week prior to your departure date. We will go over any remaining questions you have , emergency contact info and documents you need to ensure you are ready to go and have an easy transition upon arrival.

You Land in your International Volunteer Country of choice!

Upon Arrival at the airport and CCandV team member or designated driver will be waiting for you at the airport! From there you will transfer to your host family and settle in for a good night’s sleep. Your first morning orientation takes place you will learn more details of your program including scheduling, rules, safety precautions, and do’s and don’ts of the local culture, how to find your way around the community where you will be volunteering, where to withdraw funds, how to call home and more. You might even pick up a few local words!

The Fun Starts!

Keep in mind you’re going to feel a little out of place the first few days JUST BE YOU! If you volunteer and commit to be useful, open minded and flexible to those who need your help, we can make one promise to you: you will make a difference!

Be open and accepting of the culture around you, ask questions; Our project and community members are there for you just as much as you are for them, they enjoy talking with our volunteers and being helpful. HAVE FUN! Know that you have the support of the community and that together, we can all make this world a happier and better place.

Ready To Get Started?

Call 1-832-515-2942


Email Us

We are always open to suggestions If you’d like to support any of our projects but are unable to volunteer on-the-ground let’s talk there are always other ways to be involved and we want to hear from you.

Stay in touch while your away like Cultural Connections and Volunteers Facebook page and share with your loved ones.

This is a great place to start up a conversation with some of our past volunteers, family friends and loved ones!