Cultural Connections and Volunteers

Uniting People From All Walks of Life

We Want To Hear From You!

Cultural Connections and Volunteers powered by our teams on the ground have been working together across the Globe for over a decade. Our aim is to Facilitate international volunteering that address community needs expressed by the locals in developing communities. We work closely with communities accessing obstacles in the way of positive growth and strive to find sustainable solutions using local resources and shared knowledge from volunteers.

International Volunteers are looking for outcome-based programs. We realize it’s about the work, building relationships, and organizing around the long-term needs of the community and sustainability. We want to educate effective International Volunteering with the Culture and Country you will be volunteering with.

We believe everyone in the world deserves to be happy, healthy and live productive lives.

Our Mission

Our mission is to continue to unite people from all walks of life, by providing the ideal international volunteer in the ideal environment that will spark the catalyst for real world change and bring more cultural understanding, one volunteer and/or group of volunteers at a time.

With the support of past, present and future volunteers we want to continue impacting our international communities by helping them through our programs and projects.

Why Choose CCandV

We are truly committed to improving the lives of others with the help of inspirational people, bringing people from all cultures together; to come to action, create results, and impact communities to achieve their full potential. With decades of international volunteering experience, our program managers and staff have learned what can make this experience most beneficial for you and the communities in which you serve.

We’ve been on the ground with our communities since day one, listening to their requests and responding with programs and projects that best suit their precise needs. We place the volunteers that best fit and will make the most impact in that community, and the best part is sometimes that biggest impact is felt on the part of the volunteer.

We want to talk to you, listen and help you choose a volunteer project where both you and the community will thrive.


Cultural Connections and volunteers was created with you, the volunteer, the communities and the projects we serve in mind. Our volunteers are people like you who want to be engaged at our project locations and help transform and empower thriving communities. Anyone can be a volunteer, regardless of age or experience if you have the desire to make a positive impact on this world and are willing to do the work to make it happen.

We’ve made volunteering easy by addressing your individual skill set with the project that best suits you and at times, creating an entire project around you and the needs of the targeted community. With more than a decade of experience, we’ve made volunteering a smooth, safe and simple process.

Our hands-on approach will help guide the seasoned volunteer to the first-timer, seamlessly from start to finish. We will be with you every step of your journey from choosing your country of choice, to helping you with your packing list, and waiting for you at the airport. We’re here for our International Communities and you.

We are here to help from the moment you consider volunteering. If you have any questions about the volunteering process or any of our projects, contact us! We’ll be happy to help.

Ready To Get Started?

Call 1-832-515-2942


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